Thursday, September 3, 2009

Our son, the plumbing entrepreneur

Today in the parking lot, Aden told me "I'm not your friend!" So we went down a list of what he could be instead. We established that he was not my uncle, my cousin, my brother, my dog or my veterinarian. Turns out, according to him, he's actually my plumber. I was overjoyed when I heard the news, but when I asked how much it would cost for him to fix the third floor bathroom, he stated that it would be at least $20,000. And it would cost an additional $2,036 in zoning fees!

On the plus side, we established (via the me listing off options system again) that the new bathroom would include a sink, a toilet, a bidet, a vacuum cleaner, a television, and paper towels. No shower, but he did say that we could have a hot tub. Score!