Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Been a long time since I rock & rolled

Yep, Page & Plant had it right. Been a long time since we rocked this blog. And that reference is doubly appropriate now. Why? Well, we're proud to report that Aden's favorite songs, right after the alphabet song and Old MacDonald, are both Led Zeppelin tunes. Yep, that's right - you can only imagine how proud his daddy is! Aden now asks for "Immigrant Song" by mimicking Robert Plant's "ahh-ah-ahhhhhhh-ah" vocal line. And whenever "Kashmir" ends, Aden immediately says "again!" Last night, we had to play "Kashmir" for him three times in a row. Given that it's almost nine minutes long, that's saying something.

Aden's vocabulary is growing by leaps and bounds, though it still requires some interpretation (he knows the abovementioned rockers as "Zhepblah!"). He can say his name, proudly reports that he is two, and will tell you that there are two of anything that there more than one of. He's learning to say "Withers," and will attempt to say the names of all of his grandparents. He looooooooooves the zoo (we purchased a family membership), which he refers to as "zoobarbara" in honor of the grandma who took him the first time.

But don't worry - all of the grandparents have been busy earning their stripes. Papa Scott's tickling skills have earned him constant mention, Grandma Marjorie helped further his current obsession (Mickey Mouse), and Grandpa Bob & Grandma Leslie went over & above the call of duty when they built a life-size wooden replica of Aden to guard their lawn. That's right - the squirrels are running scared now, and for good reason. But enough with the yammering - here's some proof of all of the above: