Sunday, March 22, 2009

Slowly springin'

Ah, Spring, a time of renewal - or, as it's known here in New England, a time when you never know how to dress. Snow, rain, sunshine and back again. Aden is dealing with it all very well - mostly he's just psyched that the backyard is occasionally clear of snow & debris, so he can run around and act like a little crazy man. And every now and then, his friends come over to help out with that. Especially the crazy part.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Surrealist joke looking for a punchline

Today Aden dragged his rocking horse, training potty and a pair of rubber gloves into his pop-up tent house. He put on the gloves, and for the next twenty minutes he alternated between riding the horse, sitting on the toilet (with his pants on), and running over the window to tell me something that was VERY important and utterly incomprehensible.

This means something, I'm sure. But I'm a little afraid to find out precisely what.

Friday, March 6, 2009

What's dat?

"What's dat, daddy?"

"That's our blog, Aden."

"What's dat, daddy?"

"That's how long it's been since we updated it last."

"What's dat, daddy?"

"That's the camera, buddy."

"What's dat, daddy?"

"Those are pictures of you."

"What's dat, daddy? Daddy, what's dat? What's dat, daddy? Daddy, daddy, what's dat?"

"Um, I think it's time for you to go play with your toy animals now, buddy..."