Wednesday, April 22, 2009


One of Aden's favorite random holidays is Easter. Why? Let's see... 1) the unique food (pierogis + ham + baked beans + scrambled eggs + a whole lot of ketchup), 2) fun little presents, 3) hidden plastic eggs, and 4) adults going crazy looking for said plastic eggs. Sadly, all photos of item #4 have been deleted to protect the innocent... but trust us, it was wild this year!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Springing into action

The weather might not be 100% consistent yet, but Aden doesn't care. As far as he's concerned, if he's at home and awake, he wants to be outside running around. He might still be in his footie pajamas, it might be 40 degrees, and there may still be puddles on the porch, but it doesn't matter to him. As long as it's warm enough that he can see the ground, he wants to be out rocking and rolling.