Thursday, December 25, 2008

Aden Withers Holiday Jugband Special!

It just wouldn't be a holiday get-together without some incredibly cute photos of Aden, and this year proved no different. It was interesting to see the changes in Aden's holiday behavior from past years... now his cuteness is punctuated by phrases like "mine!" "my turn now," and "my present!" Oh, and by the occasional tantrum on top of piles of gifts. Thankfully, he still becomes his cute old self with a little time out playing in the snow.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Spaceship to Planet Aden

Yesterday, when I picked Aden up from school, I asked him "Are you being silly?" Normally, he just echoes me and says "dilly daddy." Not any more. This time he replied "A little bit." Shocked, I asked "A little bit?" which he verified, "A little bit dilly daddy." The rate at which he's picking up new language is just shocking. I'm waiting for the day that I wake up to find that he's built a rocketship in his bedroom while we were sleeping.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Health risks (to parents!)

Wow - I never thought that having a toddler would be so dangerous. And I don't mean the everyday stuff: bumping heads when they're jumping around, throwing out your back when you go to pick them up, spraining your ankle when you try to intercept them. Nope, the real risk is from the grandparents, specifically when you don't upload photos to your blog often enough. Then you get late-night calls like this one: "If I don't see some new pictures of the kid by this weekend, you'll be dealing with the kind of trouble that you can't handle, sonny... oh, and tell Aden that his gwammy-wammy wubs him!"

Consider yourself warned - I know I do!